Scott and George went to all the teachers easily, and everyone commented on what friendly babies they are. But they were definitely happy to see me and Scott when we picked them up in the afternoon! We took them out to eat to celebrate their first day of school, then went home for lots of snuggle time before putting them to bed.
The twins have spent the last two nights in their own cribs, all night long, and have done fairly well. Scott sleeps all night but does flail around a bit around 3am. George still wakes up and it takes a couple of trips in with a pacifier to get him back to sleep. Although, last night he rolled over for the first time, and we missed it! He started crying and I went to check on him around 230am, and he was all the way on his stomach and his foot was stuck through the side of the crib.
With the twins starting daycare and being moved into their own rooms at night, it's been a hard week so far on Mom. The boys are getting so big, which is fabulous, but I fear that with them in daycare I'm going to start missing out on milestones. :( I want to spend as much time with them as possible! Thankfully, I still have a lot of vacation time that I must use before the end of the year. I've taken off every other Friday and a lot of time at the holidays, with a few days to spare....<sigh>....
Ready for school! Love how they always hold hands when placed in the crib together.