Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Happy 9 Months!

Happy 9 month birthday to Scott III and George William!  I can't believe they are only 3 months away from being 1 year old.  I'll have to start planning their frist birthday party soon.  :)

The twins still had runny noses last week, which led to a few loooong nights of coughing and keeping Mom and Dad up at all hours.  They are also teething and I believe George is in a growth spurt, as he wanted to eat in the middle of the night a couple of times too.  Daddy Scott had a nice long nap last Saturday afternoon and I had a solid 4 hours of Nyquil induced sleep, but we're still playing catch up.  We went on a mini date night tonight, and we both looked like someone punched us in the eyes - the lack of sleep is really wearing on us this week!

It's amazing what can happen in a week.  Two weeks ago, Scott and George were experimenting with puffs but wouldn't really eat them.  Now they are shoving handfuls in their mouths! Scott laughs and claps after every mouthful.  Both boys started crawling on their hands and knees - our poor old dog Chance doesn't stand a chance against these two when they start moving.  And just last night, I walked into the nursery to get the boys for dinner, and there Scott was, standing up at the end of his crib!  He also got his first shiner at school today trying to pull up on something that obviously wasn't that stable.  Scott and George are growing and changing so much every day and I just can't get enough of them!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Out of Whack

The twins are no longer sick, but still have runny noses and are just generally out of whack.  Their eating and sleeping patterns have been off ever since they started back to daycare!  Some days they will take long naps, other days they nap for minutes.  Some times they eat a ton, other times they refuse whatever food or bottle is given to them.  I also think they are teething, with their top 2 teeth trying to come in.  And for the last 3 nights, they really haven't wanted to sleep.  At all.  Therefore, Scott and I have been exhausted.  Very thankful for a 3 day weekend!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Yes, we are THOSE parents!

Or more accurately, my husband is THAT father, and I love him for it!  When picking up the boys from daycare the other day, Scott noticed that a push pin from the bulletin board was on the floor.  Granted, the area where the bulletin board, coat hooks/cubbies, etc is located is blocked off so the babies can't stray into that area.  However, the push pin on the floor was a little too close to the gate, and babies do crawl awfully close, possibly close enough to where they could have reached for the push pin.  Scott picked up the push pin but after thinking more about it, decided that it wasn't safe, as a baby could mistake the brightly colored round pin for a puff or something equally as yummy (ha ha - have you ever tried those things??).  So he discussed with the day care workers and now the director has agreed to pay for a different type of push pin so there are no accidents.  They might change their minds when they realize that the safer pins (bigger pins that push into the cork board but actually have a clip where the paper gets attached) are about $1 each! 

Just one of the many reasons Scott is a fantastic father - it doesn't matter how big or small the issue, if it could remotely affect the safety of our boys he is going to find a way to fix it!

Friday, January 6, 2012

More Fevers...

Yep, it was inevitable...George got sick last night.  This is the 3rd illness the twins have had, and all have progressed in the same way:  Scott gets sick; about 3 days later, Scott is feeling better but George gets sick.  So it takes about a week for the illness to get through our family.  We've officially depleted our first bottle of infant Tylenol!  And Scott and I have had no sleep for two nights now; we're hoping tonight is better.

Scott stayed home with the twins today since they couldn't go to day care.  So much for their first week as Koala Bears!  The twins were playing rather quietly in their activity centers this morning when Scott and I entered the room from different parts of the house and saw George fast asleep in his activity center.  Cutest.Thing.EVER.  Except he didn't respond when we called his name.  Which made both of us panic and I grabbed him with my mind racing of things that could have happened.  In doing so, I woke poor George up from his nap and he started crying.  It would have been a great picture if we'd only known for certain he was sleeping!

Here's to hoping we get a little sleep tonight and wake up to fever free babies in the morning!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Koala Bears and Fevers and Doctors, Oh My!

Well, the twins started back to day care yesterday in the Koala Bear room.  Poor babies went from being the oldest and biggest to being the youngest and smallest!  There are babies aged up to 15 months or so in this class, crawlers and walkers all over the place.  The room is LOUD too - more kids than in the infant room.  Overall Scott and George seemed to adjust well to the room, although the teachers did have to take them on a road trip back to the infant room for identification because they couldn't remember which one was which!

As our "welcome back to daycare present", Scott spiked a fever last night of 102.7F.  It came down with Tylenol and wasn't present this morning, but we took him to the doctor anyway. He's been very calm and snuggly, which so isn't his personality! It's probably viral and as of now the doctor doesn't think it's anything to worry about.  Scott went to daycare but got sent home when he spiked another temp this afternoon, so he'll be staying home tomorrow with my parents babysitting.  Thank goodness for retired grandparents - and the fact that they'll use any excuse to be with their grandbabies!

On a side note- we took George to the doctor with us for a weight check.  He is weighing in over 19 lbs, but Scott has him beat at over 20 lbs!  Almost 40 lbs of babies, no wonder my arms are sore and my back hurts all the time.  Good thing Scott and George bought mommy a massage for Christmas!

Monday, January 2, 2012


George started army crawling today!  Not very far, but he definitely made progress.  He's obviously not as fast as Scott yet but I know he'll catch up in a few days!

George can wave bye-bye, say "da-da" (we think), and (until today, at least) is content to sit and play with whatever toy is in front of him.  He also knows how to push his arms through his shirt sleeves, which is a huge help when getting dressed in the morning.

Scott can move from his belly back into a sitting position and tries to pull up in the crib or on whatever is close (toys, couch).  Scott learned to eat cereal a full 6 weeks before George would even allow a spoon in his mouth, which led to him quickly closing that 1 lb weight difference since birth!

Although I logically know that the twins will grow and develop at different rates, there's still a part of me that thinks "they're twins, why can one do this and the other can't"? I guess it will just keep things interesting, wondering which twin will hit the next milestone first!


Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy New Year!  I hope everyone had a safe and fun new year's eve.  I spent my evening getting the blog updated, drinking a glass of wine, and finishing the book I started over the holidays.  Scott was at his brother's party, and if not for him texting me just before midnight, I probably would have slept the year away.  This was the first NYE in a really, really long time in which I did not go out (pregnant or not) and I must say that I didn't miss the crowded bars or headache today, although I did miss visiting with friends.

Scott and George have literally slept the entire day.  I think the Christmas festivities and trip to Destin last week finally caught up with them.  They would eat, play for a bit, take a long nap, repeat x3.  It made for a productive day around the house by allowing us to take down all of the Christmas decorations, throw out the tree, do all the laundry, and get organized.  Just one more day off and then it's back to work for me, and off to the Koala Bear room at daycare for the twins!