Monday, September 6, 2010


We married at the ripe old age of 30 in the year 2006.  Being as most of our friends were married years before us, they had mostly all moved on to starting families by this point.  We wanted one year to ourselves before taking on the quest for children, so after a fabulous 1st anniversary trip to Hawaii, we got down to business.  The first few months were spent "not preventing", and when that didn't work, we moved on to ovulation kits, then a fancy fertility monitor.  At the magical one year mark and still no pregnancy, the doctors finally agreed to see us for a fertility work up. 

I won't get into details here, but we met the criteria for infertility.  Many tests later determined that we were candidates for ICF with ICSI, and 21 months after we started trying to get pregnant we had our first IVF treatment. 

Success!  At the 6 week ultrasound, we were pregnant with one and were told we had a vanishing twin.  At 8 weeks - SURPRISE!  The vanishing twin had reappeared, and we were indeed pregnant with twins.  We were ecstatic.  At the 20 week US we found out they were healthy boys.  My husband and I were so excited we took the day off work and registered for all things baby - times two. 

Then came 23 weeks - my cervix started to open, and I was placed on home bed rest, allowed out only for weekly appointments at the high risk doctor.  At 24 weeks, my cervix was completely gone, and I was immediately put on hospital bed rest.  Apparently I had been having contractions, but I didn't feel anything.  At 26 weeks and 5 days, the doctors could no longer hold off the contractions with medications, and our two precious boys were born. 

Although I had made it past the viability stage at 24 weeks, 26 weeks and 5 days was still just to early for my babies.  They each passed away within 5 days of their birth. The funeral mass was packed - it was truly unbelievable how many people's lives these babies touched in only a few short days.  We found out about the March of Dimes Walk for Babies about a week before the walk; we ended up raising over $3000 - the highest for a new team, and 9th place overall.  I told you these babies touched many lives!

My husband and I decided to get away a few weeks after the funeral, and while we were gone we learned that my oldest sister had been diagnosed with Acute Myleoid Leukemia.  When I returned from our getaway, I spent weeks at the hospital with my parents, our other sister, and many friends.  My oldest sister passed away only 5 weeks after her diagnosis, leaving behind her husband and two beautiful teenage daughters.  The Light the Night Leukemia walk is coming up in a month - and again, our team has raised over $3000!

The loss of my babies and my sister within 2 months of each other is a lot to handle.  Way too much.  I've cried every single day for the last 5 1/2 months.  I am by no means healed, but I am ready to move forward.  Which is why my husband and I have decided to try IVF again.  So here we are...ding ding ding...Round 2 begins...       

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