Friday, December 31, 2010

Good Riddance 2010!

This was definitely, by far, the WORST. YEAR. EVER.  So why should I expect anything less than to send 2010 off with a bang?  I spent the last morning of the year in L&D Triage with right lower quadrant pain.  I've had the pain on and off for the last couple of days, and thought it was just round ligament pain (normal pain from the uterus growing - and considering I have put on a couple of pounds over the holidays, I deserved that!).  But I also noticed that the area was tender when pressed, and although I had no other symptoms I was worried (paranoid?) about appendicitis.  So when I called the doctor's office, and considering my history, the doctor wanted to see me right away.

All the lab work came back fine, and another ultrasound and cervix check were equally fine.  But my irritable uterus is back....basically, the irritabilities are like minor little contractions, occurring because I have a smaller build and there are two babies crammed in my belly.  So after a shot of Terbutaline (which is equal to having a lot of expresso - makes you very jittery!) I was sent home with a prescription for Procardia to take every 6 hours for the duration of the pregnancy.  The Procardia is actually a blood pressure medication, used off label to help smooth the uterine lining so I hopefully won't have contractions. 

I'm thankful everything is fine, but I am heading toward the weeks where I started experiencing changes in my last pregnancy, so it's hard not to be worried and scared.   I'm basically living appointment to appointment, and know that at any time I could end up on bed rest or in the hospital, but I have faith that everything is going to work out this time!

GOOD RIDDANCE 2010!  I'm off to celebrate the new year - here's to 2011 being a MUCH better year!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Liz, I think of you all the time and I am grateful that I can follow your journey through your blog. Chip and I are praying for you guys and wishing for the best. I hope you have a wonderful new year!
