Monday, July 18, 2011

Is it Possible.... come back from vacation less tan then when I left?  Sadly, the answer to that question is yes (almost).  Two cars, 11 people, and a 12 hour drive later, we made it to Panama City Beach.  The first day there was gorgeous!  I took baby duty and spent my day reading on the balcony - it was perfect, and great to read something other than baby books!  But between the rainy day, outlet mall shopping day, and 30+ SPF on my beach days for fear of frying and skin cancer, I am not tan, but am more of an off-white as opposed to ghostly white.  :)

The twins did great on the long car ride and weren't too off schedule while on vacation.  They loved going out to eat and having lots of family around to feed and play with them!  Here are some pics:

First time in the pool (I'm holding Scott III and Scott has George)

First time in the sand (Scott has Scott III and I have George)

First time in the ocean (I have Scott III and Scott has George)

Love these monogrammed outfits - thanks "Aunt" Julie!

The whole fam on the beach

Beach bums (Scott on left, George on right)

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