Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Koala Bears and Fevers and Doctors, Oh My!

Well, the twins started back to day care yesterday in the Koala Bear room.  Poor babies went from being the oldest and biggest to being the youngest and smallest!  There are babies aged up to 15 months or so in this class, crawlers and walkers all over the place.  The room is LOUD too - more kids than in the infant room.  Overall Scott and George seemed to adjust well to the room, although the teachers did have to take them on a road trip back to the infant room for identification because they couldn't remember which one was which!

As our "welcome back to daycare present", Scott spiked a fever last night of 102.7F.  It came down with Tylenol and wasn't present this morning, but we took him to the doctor anyway. He's been very calm and snuggly, which so isn't his personality! It's probably viral and as of now the doctor doesn't think it's anything to worry about.  Scott went to daycare but got sent home when he spiked another temp this afternoon, so he'll be staying home tomorrow with my parents babysitting.  Thank goodness for retired grandparents - and the fact that they'll use any excuse to be with their grandbabies!

On a side note- we took George to the doctor with us for a weight check.  He is weighing in over 19 lbs, but Scott has him beat at over 20 lbs!  Almost 40 lbs of babies, no wonder my arms are sore and my back hurts all the time.  Good thing Scott and George bought mommy a massage for Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. OMG. I can relate. Each time Caitlin starts a new room at school she ALWAYS gets some kind of illness within the first week or so! I chalk it up to a whole new set of kids and germs. Then she builds up immunity and it's smooth sailing....until she graduates to the next class....Erin
