Monday, January 2, 2012


George started army crawling today!  Not very far, but he definitely made progress.  He's obviously not as fast as Scott yet but I know he'll catch up in a few days!

George can wave bye-bye, say "da-da" (we think), and (until today, at least) is content to sit and play with whatever toy is in front of him.  He also knows how to push his arms through his shirt sleeves, which is a huge help when getting dressed in the morning.

Scott can move from his belly back into a sitting position and tries to pull up in the crib or on whatever is close (toys, couch).  Scott learned to eat cereal a full 6 weeks before George would even allow a spoon in his mouth, which led to him quickly closing that 1 lb weight difference since birth!

Although I logically know that the twins will grow and develop at different rates, there's still a part of me that thinks "they're twins, why can one do this and the other can't"? I guess it will just keep things interesting, wondering which twin will hit the next milestone first!


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