Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Holy Cows!

And for once I'm not talking about me!  These babies are going to be large (well, as large as potential preemies can be).  Baby A is weighing in at 2lbs 8oz, and Baby B is weighing 2lbs 11oz.  There is over 5lbs of baby inside of me right now! 

Tomorrow is a big milestone - 28 weeks.  The chance of brain bleeds goes down significantly at this point, as well as many other issues related to premature delivery.  The great news is that my cervix is still around 4cm, so my high risk is moving my appointments to every 4 weeks instead of 2 weeks, and they won't do any more cervix checks unless I'm having issues (like major contractions).  Now I just need to focus on making it to 32 weeks.

The high risk dr seems to think I have a good chance of making it to 34 weeks, but maybe not much longer than that.  If I make it to 36 weeks we'll talk about scheduling a c-section at 38 weeks.  So I (hopefully) have somewhere between 6 and 10 weeks left in this pregnancy.  Not too much longer!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Happiness is...

...reaching 27 weeks today - officially in my 3rd trimester (according to my iPhone app)!
...the doctor telling me I only have 2-3 weeks left before taking me out of work.  YEAH!  :)
...feeling the babies kick around my belly - all day and all night.  I don't think they know how to sleep yet!
...this fab Spring-like weather - I just wish it was here to stay.
...a feeling I haven't had in a year.   The further along in the pregnancy with no complications, the closer we are to realizing our dream of having two precious babies in our arms.  And that will be the happiest day of all. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

26 Weeks 5 Days

Today I am 26 weeks and 5 days pregnant - the timepoint when I delivered Scott and George in my last pregnancy, exactly 11 months ago today.  It's a very bittersweet day....I'm extremely thankful that I've made it this far in my current pregnancy with no major issues, but of course I wish things had turned out differently last time. 

There was no way we could have predicted what happened, and I know that the babies received the best care from their doctors and everything possible was done to save them.  None of my doctors were happy when I became pregnant with twins again, but I am going to prove them all wrong in the end.
Many precautions have been put in place this pregnancy, from the cerclage, procardia, progesterone shots, and resting as much as possible.  We'll never really know if these precautions have helped get me this far - the studies have only been done in single births, not multiples; since my cervix hasn't shortened at this point some may argue that the cerclage was not necessary; procardia doesn't actually stop contractions but lessens the symptoms....but I trust that my doctors are doing everything in their power to make me comfortable with this pregnancy, and believe in the fact that I will deliver two healthy babies, as close to term as possible

Tomorrow will be a strange day, a time point further along than what I achieved in my previous pregnancy.  But it's one step closer to 27 weeks and beyond, and for that I am thankful!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

"Wow....'re so much bigger than the last time I saw you!"  Um, thanks...I guess?  This seems to be THE statement of the last couple of weeks.  Typically, it's been said by people that I haven't seen in 2-3 weeks.  But the best comment has to be from my own mother, whom I saw two days in a row this week:  "You look a lot bigger than you did just yesterday!"  (Love you Mom!).

Well people, I am pregnant with TWINS, remember?  Although, the 20 lbs I've gained so far isn't doing much for my 5'2" frame these days.  At least I'm all belly (or so I'm told)!  A person of average weight at conception should gain 25-35 lbs during their pregnancy; you can add up to 10 more lbs for twins.  And typically, weight gain will be about 1 lb per week in the last trimester.  So considering I have less than 12 weeks left of this pregnancy, plus the 20 lbs I've already gained = 32 lbs, I still have a little wiggle room.  :)  

Friday, February 11, 2011


These are the things I am going to have ASAP after these babies are delivered:

  1. Mexican food - by far my favorite type of food, but during pregnancy I can't stand it.  I've had my share of Qdoba or Moe's, but "authentic" Mexican is out of the question.  I've promised Scott this will be our first meal once I deliver and get out of the hospital!
  2. Diet Coke - I'd kill for an extra large fountain diet Coke.  I know that caffeine is considered OK by most doctors in moderation during pregnancy, but caffeine can irritate the uterus.  Since my uterus is alredy irritable, caffeine is on the list of what I can't have. 
  3. Sushi - it's just not the same to have a California roll. 
  4. WINE.  Enough said.
I certainly know many women that have had caffeine, or sushi, or a glass of wine, or many other items from the list of "no-no's" while pregnant, and I'm not judging.  If we didn't have so many issues with getting pregnant, pre-term labor, and everything else going on - I guarantee I wouldn't be as strict with the list either.  But since our situation is very different from most pregnancies, I couldn't bear the "what ifs".  I'll stick to the rules as much as I can until the end!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Made it to 26 weeks today!  My high risk appointment was great yesterday - again, no cervix changes.  I can't believe it, especially since my contractions have seemed to pick up a little over the past few days.  But, the doctors don't seem too concerned with the contractions since my cervix still hasn't changed, so I'm not going to worry about them either right now.  The odds are really good for me making it to 30 weeks and beyond. :)

I did have the first round of steroid shots (yesterday and today) to help develop the babies lungs.  I will receive another round closer to delivery. Otherwise, I'm still on the Procardia 4x/day and weekly progesterone shots.  No bed rest!  The only down side of no bed rest is that I still have to work.  :(  I'm just ready to be on leave and focus on these babies.  

Scott and I are hoping to finish up some decorative things in the nursery this weekend.  We have enough to be functional should the babies arrive at any time, but I want to be decorated and organized before I do end up on bed rest or in the hospital and unable to do anything until after delivery.  I'll post pictures when the nursery is finished!