Friday, February 11, 2011


These are the things I am going to have ASAP after these babies are delivered:

  1. Mexican food - by far my favorite type of food, but during pregnancy I can't stand it.  I've had my share of Qdoba or Moe's, but "authentic" Mexican is out of the question.  I've promised Scott this will be our first meal once I deliver and get out of the hospital!
  2. Diet Coke - I'd kill for an extra large fountain diet Coke.  I know that caffeine is considered OK by most doctors in moderation during pregnancy, but caffeine can irritate the uterus.  Since my uterus is alredy irritable, caffeine is on the list of what I can't have. 
  3. Sushi - it's just not the same to have a California roll. 
  4. WINE.  Enough said.
I certainly know many women that have had caffeine, or sushi, or a glass of wine, or many other items from the list of "no-no's" while pregnant, and I'm not judging.  If we didn't have so many issues with getting pregnant, pre-term labor, and everything else going on - I guarantee I wouldn't be as strict with the list either.  But since our situation is very different from most pregnancies, I couldn't bear the "what ifs".  I'll stick to the rules as much as I can until the end!

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