And for once I'm not talking about me! These babies are going to be large (well, as large as potential preemies can be). Baby A is weighing in at 2lbs 8oz, and Baby B is weighing 2lbs 11oz. There is over 5lbs of baby inside of me right now!
Tomorrow is a big milestone - 28 weeks. The chance of brain bleeds goes down significantly at this point, as well as many other issues related to premature delivery. The great news is that my cervix is still around 4cm, so my high risk is moving my appointments to every 4 weeks instead of 2 weeks, and they won't do any more cervix checks unless I'm having issues (like major contractions). Now I just need to focus on making it to 32 weeks.
The high risk dr seems to think I have a good chance of making it to 34 weeks, but maybe not much longer than that. If I make it to 36 weeks we'll talk about scheduling a c-section at 38 weeks. So I (hopefully) have somewhere between 6 and 10 weeks left in this pregnancy. Not too much longer!
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